Read Our Presentation Letter
The Venezuelan-American Caucus is a grassroots organization dedicated to building an infrastructure of active and informed Venezuelan-American citizens with the purpose of ensuring our participation and engagement in the drafting and implementation of U.S. domestic and foreign policy. Read our presentation letter.
Read Our Presentation Letter
The Venezuelan-American Caucus is a grassroots organization dedicated to building an infrastructure of active and informed Venezuelan-American citizens with the purpose of ensuring our participation and engagement in the drafting and implementation of U.S. domestic and foreign policy. Read our presentation letter.
Our Work
Grassroots Activation: We build multi-cultural, community-driven coalitions to support the interests of the Venezuelan community across the United States. This includes far-reaching media, field, and strategic campaigns.
Fighting Disinformation: We believe that an informed public is key to a strong democracy. To that end, we work to combat disinformation and misinformation in the Venezuelan and Latino communities.
Policy Advocacy: We advocate for common sense and forward-thinking policies that empower the Venezuelan community. We’ve successfully advocated for the granting of TPS for Venezuelan nationals living in the United States.

Our Values
Venezuelans deserve a thriving democratic system that ensures a prosperous future for all. The United States must continue to work to advance the values of democracy and freedom in Venezuela.”
Humanitarian aid for Venezuelans in the form of medicines, vaccines, and food is long overdue. The international community has a moral responsibility to provide humanitarian relief to those in Venezuela.
Venezuelan and other immigrants in the United States need a pathway to citizenship to continue contributing to our country’s social and economic success.
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April 26, 2024
RT @lecumberry: El glorioso bravo pueblo de #Venezuela -el del himno nacional- lo personifica esta joven que siendo madre a los 16 años, se…
April 20, 2024
RT @porlagoma: A dormir, contentos, tenemos candidato @EdmundoGU #EdmundoParaTodoElMundo. Nuevamente @MariaCorinaYA demostró que el país…
April 20, 2024
RT @PattyLaya: Venezuela’s opposition surprisingly united around Edmundo González for July’s presidential vote, a display of unity that cou…